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LifeScale Patented Technology: Population Profiling

LifeScale’s unique microfluidic sensor detects individual bacteria in each well, enabling microbe replication and culture growth to be measured with unmatched precision. But LifeScale goes further – by measuring the mass of each bacterium, it generates a detailed population profile of each culture that leads to a faster and more accurate result 

LifeScale's unique microfluidic sensor detects individual bacteria in each well, enabling microbe replication and culture growth to be measured with unmatched precision. But LifeScale goes further - by measuring the mass of each bacterium, it generates a detailed population profile of each culture that leads to a faster and more accurate result

Population profiles are generated for all antibiotics and antibiotic concentrations. LifeScale’s powerful Artificial Intelligence Predictor™ (AI-Predictor) analyze this rich dataset to produce the correct MIC, even in cases where analyzing growth alone is insufficient.

Delayed Growth:

Today's challenge to Rapid ASTs

As resistance spreads, more and more Gram-negative bacteria exhibit delayed growth. In the presence of key antibiotics, they eventually grow, but only after several hours, and with a delay that increases with antibiotic concentration.

Delayed growth poses a stiff challenge to rapid ASTs that use short incubation times and rely on growth to determine susceptibility. If growth is assessed too soon, the MIC may be underestimated. This can result in a dangerous Very Major Error (VME), in which a resistant strain is incorrectly evaluated as susceptible to the antibiotic. This is a growing concern because delayed growth phenotypes are becoming more common as resistance spreads, in some cases comprising more than 20% of resistant strains for key antibiotics.


Beyond Growth

By combining the population profile data with advanced AI, LifeScale can determine correct MICs even for delayed growth phenotypes. The key is the information contained in the individual cell masses. As mentioned, delayed growth strains may not replicate for several hours. However, even during LifeScale’s short incubation time, the microbes *do* respond to the antibiotics by changing their morphology and mass, producing filamentous forms or spheroplasts. LifeScale’s population profiles clearly reveal these responses, whereas a growth-based AST can miss them since they occur prior to replication and growth of biomass.

Get Long-Incubation Results
in a Fraction of the Time

The result is that LifeScale performance matches that of long-incubation/standard-of-care ASTs, and is superior to growth-based ones. 

These results have been confirmed in a cross-platform study comparing AST performance on strains sourced from the CDC AR Bank. 

Put LifeScale to the test in your lab, today.